/* Form Control Templates */ /* Checkbox/Radio template */ {{##def.checkbox:it:/*}}*/
{{? it.data('labelPosition') === 'top'}} {{?}} {{=it[0].outerHTML}} {{? it.data('labelPosition') !== 'top'}} {{?}}
#}} /* Input template - fancy inputs with placeholder to title transition */ {{##def.input:it:/*}}*/
/* If we are not going to use the overlay, then we need the label first and the element second.*/ {{? it.data('labelType') !== 'inFront'}} {{=it[0].outerHTML}} {{?}} {{? it.data('labelType') !== 'none'}} {{?}} /* If we are going to use the overlay, which is default, then we need the label after the element.*/ {{? it.data('labelType') === 'inFront'}} {{=it[0].outerHTML}} {{?}} {{? it.data('searchIcon')}} {{?}} {{? it.data('infoIcon')}} {{?}} {{? it.data('validationTooltipType') == 'exclam'}}
{{=(it.data('label') || it.attr('name') || '')}} is required
{{?? it.data('invalidTooltipMessage')}}
{{=(it.data('label') || it.attr('name') || '')}} is required
#}} /* Select template */ {{##def.select:it:/*}}*/
{{? !it.data('noLabel')}} {{?}}
{{=it[0].outerHTML}} {{? it.data('invalidTooltipMessage')}}
{{=(it.data('label') || it.attr('name') || '')}} is required
{{?}} {{? it.data('searchIcon')}} {{?}} {{? it.data('infoIcon')}} {{?}}
#}} {{##def.selectOptions:it:/*}}*/ {{~it.options :option:index}} {{~}} #}} /* Switch template - switch style checkbox */ {{##def.switch:it:/*}}*/
#}} /* Paging template */ {{##def.paging:it:/*}}*/ Page of #}} {{? it.type === 'text' || it.type === 'textarea' || it.type === 'richtext'}} {{#def.input:it.$element}} {{?? it.type === 'switch'}} {{#def.switch:it.$element}} {{?? it.type === 'select'}} {{#def.select:it.$element}} {{?? it.type === 'checkbox' || it.type === 'radio'}} {{#def.checkbox:it.$element}} {{?? it.type === 'paging'}} {{#def.paging:it.$element}} {{?? it.type === 'selectOptions'}} {{#def.selectOptions:it}} {{??}}
(ERROR: Unknown control type: '{{=it.type}}')