6:44 AM PST, 3/3/2007

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Handspun Pure Wool Slub Yarn, dreads/felting/freeform knitting, 4m/4.4yds

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9:53 AM PST, 10/28/2113
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Hello everyone!!

Well, my cold is finally gone (GREAT SIGH), and I am busy as a bee again with my latest yarn designs and new colourways :o) I have just displayed my new Bluefaced Leicester yarn design "TEA PARTIES AND A SUMMER IN THE COUNTRY" in my Etsy store . The colours of this OOAK yarn are a range of warm summer shades,  they so remind me of warm sunlight and the fresh scent of flowers in the summer air,  a time for being outside and enjoying the season!


Not long now and Spring will come soon. My daffodils are already flowering in the garden, and honestly now, this winter has not been very cold anyway over here in Northern England. I really can't complain. Though I did wish for a bit of snow - it's been so long since we had snow over here... Right, now that I am better again I have started a large project of handspun and handpainted extrasoft Merino slubyarn, I have got some great ideas for new colour combinations!! Merino absorbs the dye like a dream, and the colours always come out so vibrantly, it's an absolute joy to dye Merino :o)  I have also found a new wholesaler for dyed 21 micron (70's quality) extrasoft Merino fiber, I just haven't decided yet which colours I'm going to choose for purchase, but this 70's Merino will make a lot of handpinners' hearts beat faster, including MINE!! Once the rovings are part of my supply I will also show you the chosen shades on this blog.

You all have a very good weekend and happy fibercrafting!!

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