12:38 PM PST, 5/14/2007

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Handspun Pure Wool Slub Yarn, dreads/felting/freeform knitting, 4m/4.4yds

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9:53 AM PST, 10/28/2113
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Today I had to mow my lawn, wether I liked it or not, but we had a good amount of rain last week, and that grass keeps growing and growing - it is unbelievable :o(  So sad because my sweet little daisies went along with the grass, sniff... I have pushed it off as long as I could, I soooooo love my daisie lawn!!! Most people would say: But it's a weed, you don't want to see it on your spotless English lawn! Well, I DO, and I like weeds in my lawn, and moss and what else. And just so you know: To hell with those spotless lawns, how BORING are they???!!! Well, I have taken some photos of my beautiful daisy-lawn before the mowing, and I also took a few pics after the grass was cut. I guess it looks good post-cut as well, hm.

 Now this is before the cutting:

And this is after the cutting :o(

At least Sam takes advantage of the freshly cut lawn - he's ready for ANOTHER sunbath...


As it is still Merino-week in my workshop I finished a fabulously soft and bouncy yarn design with loads and loads and loads of colours!! I simply mixed everything vibrant I had available, and out came my "Cirque Du Soleil II":


This yarn has been displayed in my ebay store . Feel free to have a look there for more yarn details!

Everyone enjoy the wonderful May days and HAPPY FIBER CRAFTING!!

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