• About Our Business

    About Us:
    Welcome to LECHEROMUERTO 'punto COM'. Here you can find stuff for sale that automatically makes you über-different and way cool. Some of you may ask me, "well, why would shopping for silly stuff on this web page make me über-this and way that?"

    Well, the answer is quite easy really! Shopping at Targets and Wal-Marts like our parents shopped at Fed-Co's and K-Marts will one day turn us into mindless drones just like your parents! (No offense to the parents, who are actually rapidly becoming cooler than their kids will ever be by the millisecond) We'd end up being much like marionettes controlled by Corporate monsters who make Millions of dollars every time we buy a birthday gift made in China by a twelve year old making enough to fill a bowl with white rice. Give those kids a break!

    I digress.

    Give your dollar to me, a common citizen! Turn your back on those moguls! Be an anarchist AND a revolutionary AND a hipster! Shop at Lecheromuerto.com!

    Just click the link if you like the Item and the price, or don't! Or don't!

    I specialize in things that make you cool.
  • Our Business Policies and Services

    Payment Methods:
    • Money Order/Cashiers Check,
    • PayPal
    • PayPal
    Tax Information:
    Only taxed in the greater California.