1:02 PM PST, 5/24/2009

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Handspun Pure Wool Slub Yarn, dreads/felting/freeform knitting, 4m/4.4yds

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9:53 AM PST, 10/28/2113
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On Saturday my sisters and I went to the very popular medieval spectaculum in Worms. It was my first medieval market since my return from the UK, and it was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!! One thing is for sure: Next year I will have my own medieval robe to wear! Man I swear, about 3/4 of the visitors wore medieval garments from all sorts of periods and countries, I was completely overwhelmed of the dedication and passion of these people. You could tell that they had put all their love and lots and lots of detail into the clothes they wore, so amazing!! I took as many photos as my little memory card would hold. And in case you are missing pictures of a handspinner's stand...there wasn't any!! My sisters told me that last year there was a handspinner present and selling her handmade yarns and fibres, but I do admit, I wouldn't have wanted to sell any of my yarns and fibres there yesterday,  I mean, it was about 30 degrees Celsius, and who on earth would be in the mood to sell or buy warming wools???? There were several market stands of feltmakers though, and I loved their products! Here are the photos I took from the spectaculum:



A gargoyle in making!


...and even the tiniest feet are participating :o)


Yep, any country, any period...which clan would the man wearing this kilt belong to, I wonder?

There was also a stand selling CD's and books, and I bought the latest CD of SAVA, a German artist and singer of mythical/medieval/traditional music, and anyone who likes Loreena McKennitt will truly truly love SAVA. Every single song is marvelous, her voice is beautiful and candy to the ear!!

So before I turn on her music and go back to my spinning wheel (still working on a very time consuming and labour intensive new elf yarn design!) here is my latest handspun Merino summer yarn design that I finished 2 days ago. I have called it "Charade", and it will be displayed in my Etsy store at tonight ;o)


I have taken two photos with the strand being turned inside out, so all the colourways can be viewed properly. The skein looks quite different indeed on each photo, but it is really the same design :o)


Everyone have a great weekend and


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