How to do Polaroid Watergraphs

1:46 PM PST, 5/31/2007

What exactly is a "watergraph"? It is a watercolor rendering painted over an instant photographic image. MATERIALS YOU NEED: Any Polaroid camera using 600, Polaroid 600 Write-On film, watercolor pencils or water-based pastels, pen and ink, oil pastels, Glue stick, mounting board, mat board, metallic papers and tissue paper. THE PROCESS: After taking the photo, paint directly on the surface of the Write-On Film with water-soluble oil-pastel crayons, or watercolor pencils/tube paints. Use brushes, cotton swabs and toothpicks to blend colors and add texture. Start with the background, painting over it with the lightest colors. Then work toward the foreground, strengthening the pigments as you move forward. Wash diluted pigment over the face, neck and arms, to create the desired effect, while retaining the likeness and features of the subject. Experiment with colors and shadows; wipe mistakes right off the photo. Here is a link to watergraphs:


  • minkyjcat said:

    Here is the link: Polaroid no longer has it on their website so I had to delete it. The link I gave you is even better. Enjoy! Mary

    Posted: 10:14 PM PST, 3/3/2010

  • azerty said:

    "To see step by step instructions including photos, please go to Polaroid's website at: " Where is the link?

    Posted: 9:40 AM PST, 2/11/2010

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