Herbert Terry Type 75 Anglepoise

5:53 AM PST, 11/9/2011

Herbert Terry & Sons of Redditch,England have been making anglepoise lamps since the 1930's. The popularity of the roll-rim deco-style lamps (the 1227) has slightly overshadowed the early Type 75 of which this is a fine example. Coming as it does with a classic 60's look and yet retaining the best features of the earlier lamps... a cast aluminium "yoke" adjustable springs and a locking mechanism on the arms this is a great lamp and will really look the part in any modern environment. We've refinished it to a very high standard and would suggest that this is a bargain at this price. Take a look at our other lamps also and feel free to ask any questions. Howard Bragen (logsandlamps)

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