Debra Nangala McDonald Bio

2:06 AM PST, 5/4/2013

Portrait Debra Nungala McDonald Debra Nungala McDonald was born on the 11th November 1969 at Papunya Camp in the Haasts Bluff area located 227 kilometres west of Alice Springs. She is a member of the Pintupi language group. The Pintupi people have produced quite a number of renowned Western Desert artists, among them Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri (1932 – 2002). Debra’s mother, Martha McDonald, is also a well-known Papunya Tjupi artist. Debra is the granddaughter of the late Aboriginal artist Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi (circa 1920 – 1987). She continues her grandfather’s stories which refer to the Lake McDonald area in the Gibson desert. The dreamings shown in some of their paintings both revolve around the site known as Lungkata, which means ‘home of the blue tongued lizard’. Debra also paints Women’s Ceremonies and subjects that depict her homeland such as My Special Homeland Dreaming and the Honey Ant Dreaming. She uses a precise dotting style along with a palette of warm earthly colour tones. Debra is married to the nephew (now deceased) of Turkey Tolson and son of the great female artist Mitjili Napurrula. They have a daughter called Janet. In July 2010 Debra took part in a very successful Artists in Residence Exhibition at Mulgara Gallery, Sails of the Desert, Ayers Rock. She is a rising star whose works are increasingly sought-after both nationally and internationally. Copyright 2012-2013 The Aboriginal Art House

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