Layman's Guide to Solar Cell Assembly

2:07 AM PST, 1/14/2007

I wrote Layman's guide to close a gap i saw as mountainous as per information regarding the design and construction of DIY solar panels. When i first started investigating DIY Solar,the only manual available was a guide that actually advocted using aluminum as a substrate(backing). That wasnt the only fatal error included but there is already too much oil and brown industry disinformation circulating to have no credible information available to those who would like to start in solar from the tabbing wire up. So my aim was to offer a comprehensive walkthrough of not only solar panel design but that of a finished,high quality that will withstand the elements and be close to production quality panels that my company,Hughes Energy produces. In the future newer manuals covering solar system installation,solar panel encapsulation and other renewable energy projects will be released so watch for them!I guarantee they will be the highest quality on the web and will set the standard for renewable energy project instruction.

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