Daddy Survival Guide

7:28 AM PST, 11/5/2008

Dads need a tool book to build a birdhouse, rebuild a dual carborator, improve their golf game... but we dads have gone long enough without the tools to help us really understand what we will face now that the little lady is knocked up! The Daddy Survival Guide will help you understand the things women are expecting from you during the pregnancy, and what you can expect when that little rugrat curtain crawler ankle biter baby comes into your life.  Of course we are talking about a manly book, and if it were all about women and their pregnancy issues, or about babies it is not likely we'd spend much time reading it, so for those of us guys who need something to look forward to, the book includes Survival Tips on completely unrelated items including how do a 180 spin in your car to reverse direction without stopping... cool huh?.  The Just For Daddy group brings you this and many other books to help men become dads...

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