Auctiva Emporium

  • About Our Business

    About Us:
    Who We Are
    Our Lady’s Promise is the personal Apostolate of a Third Degree Knight of Columbus from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who is both a Roman and Byzantine Catholic working towards permanent Profession in the Secular Franciscan Order.
    The works and mission of this Apostolate center on the concept that the world is in urgent need of discovering Jesus Christ and in being one with His Church. It is within Christ’s Catholic Church (the pillar and foundation of truth) that YOU can come to the fullness of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
    YOU, as a visitor to this site, can be a powerful instrument in communicating this life transforming message through Our Lady’s gifts of the Scapular and the Holy Rosary.
    Our Mission
    Our Lady’s Promise Apostolate strives to fulfill the following fourfold mission:
    1. To encourage all Catholic’s to make Our Lady’s promise of the Holy Rosary and Scapular an essential part of their daily lives;
    2. To evangelize the Catholic faith in the traditions of Saint Francis and Saint Clare;
    3. To proclaim the importance of “Living the Gospel Life” through the medium of the Internet; and,
    4. To introduce Western Roman/Latin Catholicism to the Treasures of Eastern Byzantine/Orthodox Catholicism.
    Our Pledge
    Our Apostolate has pledged our uncompromising loyalty and fidelity to the Catholic Church and to its only authentic teaching authority - the successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, and to those Bishops who are loyal and in union with him.
    Our Prayer
    We pray, that through the guidance and inspiration of Our Lady, the Holy Spirit, Saint Francis and Saint Clare, that all Catholics learn more about their faith and in turn use that knowledge to make Evangelization, the Scapular and the Holy Rosary a natural and active part of their life.
    "Perform the work of an evangelist" - 2 Tim 4:5
    "Preach the Gospel always- and, if necessary, use words ." - St. Francis of Assisi
  • Our Business Policies and Services

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