

    10:02 AM PST, 10/25/2008

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    Handspun Pure Wool Slub Yarn, dreads/felting/freeform knitting, 4m/4.4yds

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    9:53 AM PST, 10/28/2113
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    The weather was absolutely marvelous today, and I am currently so enjoying the fine sunny and warm October days here in Germany. They are so incredibly mild, and you still have great opportunity to go outside and not freeze to death or get soaked to the skin. I spent half a day spinning new yarn and dyeing fresh fleeces, and in the afternoon I met with my family at the Schwetzingen Castle Park, where we all went for a was great! It's good to have family close by again, and I will be taking advantage of that for the time that I will stay in Germany ;o) I have taken some pictures of the castle and the parc, all in a wonderful roccoco style, which was a famous period during Mozart's lifetime, but you can also find a lot of  baroque features around the castle :









    No, I have not changed dogs :o) but this French bulldog lady I saw in the park, Sam absolutely adored her, and I broke into laughter when I saw her little "harness" saying KEIN MOPS, which means NOT A PUG...I bet a lot of people get the breed wrong, hence the note.... awesome!



    Okay, before I finish today's blog I also want to display my latest extra soft handspun and handpainted yarn designs "Earth Child" and "Indian Summer II", the first one out for sale on my website , and the second lot for sale in my Etsy store  , so feel free to also view the yarns there for more details :o)



    Everyone have a great weekend and HAPPY FIBER CRAFTING!!!!! :oD



    7:23 AM PST, 10/20/2008

    View item on eBay

    Handspun Pure Wool Slub Yarn, dreads/felting/freeform knitting, 4m/4.4yds

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    9:53 AM PST, 10/28/2113
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    I took some photos of the most awesome sunset I watched from my new home in Germany last night, and I would like to share it with you. It is so stunning, have a look:

    Fantastic, isn't it? :o) We still have 20 degrees Celsius over here, and even though the nights are already very cold the days are still warm and sunny, and most of the time I keep all the windows open because it is so mild and lovely.

    So let's enjoy the last sunny days of this year....winter will be coming soon and the days will be long and dark and cold.....brrrrrrrrr!!!


    8:50 AM PST, 10/18/2008

    View item on eBay

    Handspun Pure Wool Slub Yarn, dreads/felting/freeform knitting, 4m/4.4yds

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    9:53 AM PST, 10/28/2113
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    Yes, it is always very useful to actually have a master plan when you move...especially when you move country. It's a really big deal, very time consuming, very exhausting, very expensive....and if you don't think everything through properly you end up in a great big me.... :o(  Well, I must say, to my defence, that I did do tons of planning months before the big day arrived, and I truly thought that everything would be sorted. Anyway, to keep a long story short, I am still sitting in the middle of unpacked boxes that seem to have appeared out of the blue (did I really have THAT much stuff when I left Britain?), half of the stuff I need I cannot find, and my German internet provider has let me down so far, meaning that I have to use my friends' and my sisters' PC's until I get my own broadband at home.....SIGH.....OVERLY BIG SIGH.....What can I say? Life goes on and you must make the best of it. At least I got all my stock sorted and properly secured! So my new plan is as follows:

    -Ignore the mess around you

    -Get your buckets and tubs (those you can't miss in all that chaos!) and paint some wonderful fibers...and you will feel MUCH better straight away!

    -Get your spinning wheel and pedal away...and... ignore the mess around you!

    -Pack up your dog, take off for a day, enjoy the last warm autumn days of this year...and leave your domestic mess behind!!!!!!!

    Well, since my move I have already spun and painted a large variety of gorgeous gorgeous fibres and yarns but I have not had the time to display them all on my blog yet, sorry about that! So here are my latest 3 yarn beauties (200g lots/445yds) that are now for sale in my ebay store, amongst other new yarns, so feel free to Visit My eBay Store for more details:

    plus I have taken the liberty of displaying my new handmade soap in the shape of an ancient fertility goddess and celtic circles in my ebay store. I absolutely love my little chubby goddess and I hope that people will not get offended by her, she is such a lovely beauty, and I have also added a smaller photo of the original statue which was discovered somewhere in Austria, and which is dated back to 20.000 B.C.! I really am a sucker for ancient symbols and figurines, have a look:



    I can you not like this chubby lady?!

    Those celtic circles are also a favourite of mine, and the soap bars are indeed very mild, quite large and very long lasting.

    I also finished a new batch of soap 2 days ago, it needs to finish curing for at least 4 weeks before I can display it. This time I chose a marvelous deep purple/pansy shade for the soaps and a fantastic and very sensual scent, and I already know that people will love the new batch!!

    Until then I need to get myself back into sorting-gear and just unpack these boxes! Well...I'll start on them tomorrow....maybe...