

    2:45 PM PST, 6/5/2011

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    3:35 AM PST, 2/12/2124
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    Silver incense holders, usually containing fragrant cloves, have been used in Jewish ritual for thousands of years as part of the end of the Jewish Sabbath ceremony known as the Havdalah service. The Havdalah service starts when there are at least 3 stars after nightfall on Saturday night. Jewish religious people mark this period as the end of the Sabbath and say 3 Blessings. One is on wine, the other on a candle flame, and the last on the fragrant spices. Each one of these Blessings has significance, Kabbalistically as well as it is used in the religious Talmudic tradition. I won't get into the Kabbalah aspects of it all (consult your local Kabalah maven on this topic), but I will tell you about the Talmudic traditions of these symbolic acts. The wine, being kosher is symbolic of joy that mankind should have when he goes back to work during the week and becomes a partner in Creation, just as God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. The Flame-candle is symbolic of Adam's invention of fire, and it's uses for all of mankind, for good, as well as bad. We of course hope that fire brings during the week will be for the good. Fire is also a tool that -if we but think about it and not take it for granted- really makes the world go around. Without it, our computers,cars, manners of transportation and communication would come to a standstill. During the Sabbath, the Jew ceases all manner of creating fire, as it is considered "work", and now that the SHabbat is over he once again can use its power. The last Blessing is that which is said over clove or other fragrant spices. Jewish tradition relates that the sense of smell was the only one of the 5 senses that did not sin with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as they ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. We say the Blessing now to remind ourselves that the work that we will do during the week should lead us back to Eden. This latter Blessing with its fragrant spices -which can by the way be ANY naturally grown fragrances- were usually kept in a nice silver or wooden container and for those who had money, they commissioned artists to make them special silver Besomim (spices) holders. In my auctions you can see several types of designed, each different and each that can easily be bought by anyone with an appropriate budget. My prices start at $250 and a little over $2000. With silver rising, NOW is a good time to buy! See my auctions for spice holders in the shape of towers, flowers, houses, trains, dreidel and more!