• About Our Business

    About Us:
    I am selling to support my 2 German Shepherd Dogs. Both are rescued pups. My baby girl is 11 and has arthritis in her hips, so I bought us a tempur-pedic king size bed. My baby boy is about 5 and a terror. He still suffers from the effects of abuse and malnourishment as a pup. The need their pig ears in the morning so I need to sell my stuff.
    I am currently featuring vintage postcards, mainly from the 40's and vintage sheet music, mainly from the 20's and plus size womens clothing. I am a Trading Assisant on E-bay so you never know what you mind find here. Keep checking back!!! and music
  • Our Business Policies and Services

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    • Money Order/Cashiers Check,
    • PayPal
    • PayPal
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