Getting Started With Auctiva

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Getting Started Video Tutorial

Learn the Basics

View our Getting Started Video to quickly learn the basics of Auctiva. We'll take a look at the Auctiva Lister. This is the tool that you'll use to create and edit listings for eBay. We'll also show you the Auctiva Uploader that you'll use to upload your product images. Finally, we'll show you where you can edit your Scrolling Gallery so that you can adjust its theme and placement.

We'll Guide You Through

When you've finished viewing this Getting Started Video, you can dig deeper into Auctiva's robust functionality by following the links in the Getting Started Pages box in the upper-right corner. Each of these Getting Started Guides will address the more unique functions and account settings that enable you to successfully list your eBay items. You can also find the links for section-specific Getting Started pages in each navigation drop-down.

Need a Helping Hand?

Feel free to browse around and get familiar with Auctiva on your own. If you need a hand, you can always find some help around the corner. Look for the question mark icons on individual pages for information on specific tasks or sections, and there is a "Help" link in the header to lead you to our main Help page.