Listing Upload Tool

Listing Upload Tool

Easily bring all your
listings over to Auctiva

Upload Listings From:
  • Turbo Lister
  • Other listing services
  • A spreadsheet file

Do you have hundreds or even thousands of listings that you don't want to recreate when you make the switch over to Auctiva? Not a problem.

The Auctiva Listing Upload Tool is designed to help you easily bring saved listings from another service, such as Turbo Lister, into your Auctiva account.

It's a simple process. All you have to do is save your listings from your current listing service into a spreadsheet file. If you already have them in a spreadsheet file you're halfway there.

Then upload the file to Auctiva with the push of a button. Our software will map your data to the One-Page Lister. Soon, your uploaded listings will be in your Saved Listings folder, ready to edit and post. Try our easy Bulk Edit and Find & Replace features to add professional listing templates, update polices, edit titles, pricing, formats and much more.

Sign up with Auctiva and bring over all your listings today!